What are the applications ?
The industry
Acoustic studies
Our team of engineers and technicians will support you throughout your acoustic projects, from the environmental impact study to site supervision, including acoustic modelling of premises and sites and the definition of equipment (DCE, Acoustics Manual, etc.).
Industrial acoustics
Drawing on our many years of experience in the industrial sector and our long-standing partnerships with major French and international industrial groups, we can offer you our expertise in integrating your industrial site into its environment as effectively as possible and protecting your staff. Measures to control environmental impact
We carry out regulatory compliance measurements throughout France for Installations Classified for Environmental Protection (ICPE), energy production, storage and transport sites and any other industrial site subject to noise constraints.
Building acoustics
Whether you’re an architect, landlord, developer, private investor, local authority, general design office or construction company, Sim Engineering can help and advise you on all the acoustic and vibration issues involved in your architectural project. We are therefore your preferred partner for building acoustic studies.
From one-off projects to full project management assistance, we can be involved throughout the project, on a global or ad hoc basis, depending on your needs and the constraints of your project:
Acoustics for local authorities
Wind farm acoustics
The operation of a wind farm involves controlling noise pollution in the vicinity in order to limit the environmental impact on the nearest population. We intervene at various levels to deal with the acoustic problems associated with the construction and operation of wind farms in a sustainable and comprehensive manner.
- Acoustic impact studies
- Reception measurements
- Acoustic and vibration monitoring